Eating warm spaghetti squash on a cold winter night is a great way to stay comfortable. The squash got its name from the noodle-like shape of its insides. The flesh of the fruit is very similar to stringy pasta and is considered to be a healthy and gluten-free alternative to pasta made with wheat.
Winter squash is typically harvested in mid-to-late summer, though in some areas it may be harvested in early winter.
Winter squash varieties can be stored over a long period, unlike other types of summer squash such as zucchini, which have a thinner rind and smaller seeds. Winter squash gets its name from the fact that it can be stored long enough to eat through the winter.
You can grow spaghetti squash easily as long as you have enough room in the garden. This article will teach you how to grow spaghetti squash in garden beds, both vertically and horizontally.
What is spaghetti squash?
The flesh of the spaghetti squash is stringy and has a similar appearance to spaghetti strands. Spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) is a type of winter squash that looks like spaghetti strands. Members of the winter squash family have hard rinds and can be stored for a long time. There are many other types of winter squash, including acorn, butternut, delicata, and buttercup squash. Winter squash need a lot of time to grow and are usually picked at the end of the season. The items will stay fresh for several months if kept at room temperature in a dry, cool environment.
The flesh of a spaghetti squash is not creamy and smooth like other types of winter squash. Unique among this group of vegetables, it has stringy texture. Each spaghetti squash has an oval-shaped smooth skin that will turn a soft yellow when it is fully grown.
When to plant spaghetti squash seeds
It is important to know how long your spaghetti squash will take to grow. It takes an average of 100 days for most types of spaghetti squash to mature.
Squash seeds should be planted based on the climate conditions in the area. The best time to plant them is when the weather is warm and the soil is moist.
- If you live in a northern growing zone and have a short growing season with less than 100 frost-free days, start squash seeds indoors under grow lights about 4 weeks prior to your last expected spring frost. Another option is to grow a fast-maturing variety such as ‘Small Wonder’, which produces single-serving sized squash in just 80 days.
- If you live where the growing season is longer than 100 days, your best bet is to start spaghetti squash from seed planted directly into the garden.
Squash seedlings resent transplanting. Starting squash seeds indoors is often not a good idea if the growing season where you live is more than 100 days. Transplants are plants that were started from seed in another location and then moved to their permanent home in the garden. Plantingtransplants instead of planting seeds sets plant growth back by a few weeks. You should only start squash seeds indoors if you live in a northern region with a short growing season. Plant spaghetti squash seeds directly into garden beds a week or two after the danger of frost has passed.
How to plant spaghetti squash seeds
Pour the seeds into your hand and then sprinkle them over the surface of the soil, distributing them as evenly as possible. Then, using a hoe, rake the soil lightly so that the seeds are covered to a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. There are a few different techniques you can use when growing spaghetti squash.
- Mound or hill planting: This is a good technique for gardeners with poorly draining soil. Build a mound of soil mixed with compost 3 to 6 feet wide and 8 to 10 inches high. Plant 3 to 4 spaghetti squash in the top of the mound, spacing them several inches apart. Mulch the mound and the surrounding area with straw or untreated grass clippings to retain moisture, limit weeds, and keep the developing squash off the ground. When growing spaghetti squash with this technique, the vines will ramble down the sides of the mound and over the mulch.
- Ground planting: This technique is best for gardeners with decent drainage and lots of growing space. Most varieties of spaghetti squash produce vines that grow to a length of 8 feet or more. Space seed-planting holes 3 to 4 feet apart in the ground and sow 2 seeds per hole. Once the seeds sprout, cut off the weakest seedling at its base to thin the plants down to one strong seedling per hole. Mulch a 6-foot-wide area around the planting holes with straw or untreated grass clippings.
- Planting in squash rounds: This is a great technique for gardeners who don’t want to give a lot of garden real estate to their squash plants. Build cylinders of chicken wire fencing that are 3 to 5 feet tall about 4 feet across. In the fall, fill the cylinders with layers of fall leaves, manure, grass clippings, compost, leftover potting soil, and whatever other organic matter you can find. You can build the wire squash rounds on the lawn, in the garden, on a patio, or wherever. When spring arrives, sow 3 or 4 squash seeds in each squash round (the organic materials will have settled a bit over the winter). When growing spaghetti squash in squash rounds, the vines will grow up out of the top of the cylinder and down its sides.
Growing Tips
- Start seeds or transplants after all risk of frost has passed.
- Plant in a full sun location.
- Give the plants plenty of space to grow, or use a trellis to cultivate vertically.
Growing the vines vertically
Spaghetti squash vines need a lot of space to grow. Vertical spaghetti squash planting is a great option if you have limited ground space. You will need to put up a strong trellis or fence to hold the vines up as they grow. Grid panels can be used or vines can be allowed to climb the wooden fence around a vegetable garden. To keep spaghetti squash vines from falling off a wood fence, either train and tie the vines to the fence as they grow, or staple chicken wire onto the fence for the tendrils to grab.
Fertilizing spaghetti squash vines
Spaghetti squash plants are large and need a good amount of nutrients to grow well. Healthy soil is necessary for vines to produce six to eight fruits. Before planting spaghetti squash, add a lot of compost to the soil.
Don't use too much nitrogen fertilizer, because it will produce a lot of leaves and vines, and not much fruit. Instead of using a chemical fertilizer, choose an organic granular fertilizer that has a higher phosphorous content (the middle number). Phosphorous promotes the production of flowers and fruits. When the plants are 6 inches tall, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of organic granular fertilizer around each plant. Applying an additional 3 tablespoons of the mixture around the base of each plant when the vines begin to flower.
You'll need to fertilize every 3 to 4 weeks during the growing season if you want to use organic liquid fertilizers. To apply liquid fertilizers, mix it in a watering can according to label instructions and drench the soil around the base of the plant.
The vines of winter squash can be pruned occasionally, especially if they are getting unmanageable or if they are in the way. Pruning can also help improve air circulation and reduce the likelihood of fungal diseases.
Though not essential, pruning can help keep plants looking well-ordered and tidy.
Cultivars to Select
There are many different kinds of spaghetti squash. Some plants have been selected for their specific flavor or texture, while others are favored for their durability and high yields.
Here are a few recommendations for plants to grow at home.
Angel Hair
This hybrid has a bright yellow to orange color. The small fruits that are shaped like eggs have strands that look like angel hair pasta. They have a sweet, nutty flavor. Fruits that have matured weigh anywhere from one and a half to two pounds and are ready to be harvested after 88 days have passed.
‘Goldetti’ is a hybrid cultivar with bright gold skin and deep orange flesh. The tree produces large, cylindrical fruit that each weigh four to six pounds.
Hasta La Pasta
People like “Hasta La Pasta” because it has a fun name and because the fruit is bright orange. The average plant spreads 24 inches, with fruits measuring six to eight inches long, and four to six inches wide.
‘Orangetti’ is a hybrid variety with a semi-bushing habit. Fruits have orange skin that is similar to pumpkins. They have a sweet flavor. The fruits have a cylindrical shape and can weigh up to two pounds when they are mature. They are ready to be harvested after only 65 days.
Small-space gardeners, worry no more! ‘Tivoli’ is here to save the day! This hybrid variety is short-vined and compact. The fruits are pale yellow, cylindrical, and weigh four to five pounds when mature.
This plant is a great option for container gardens. It grows to be 24 inches tall and 60 inches wide. They are ready to pick after 98 days.
Tivoli was awarded the All-America Selections vegetable prize in 1991.
Vegetable Spaghetti
‘Vegetable Spaghetti’ is an heirloom cultivar. I've been growing this variety for years and I really like it. After 80 days, the fruits will be large and light cream to yellow, and they will be ready to harvest.
The seeds are easy to find online or in most garden centers. The “Vegetable Spaghetti” label on a package of seeds indicates that the seeds are suitable for planting a variety of vegetables.
This type of plant is good for small gardens and produces long, pale yellow fruits. The plants can be grown in large pots, but they will still need plenty of space. They will also require trellising.
You need to keep an eye out for pests and diseases when you're growing spaghetti squash. Like other cucurbits, certain diseases and pests can kill a healthy plant quickly.
Pests are the biggest consideration when growing these plants. Here are the top three that can damage your crop:
Squash Bugs
Squash bugs are a big problem for farmers and need to be dealt with quickly. Diatomaceous earth can be used to keep aphids off of your plants.
Squash Vine Borers
Even though they aren't as prevalent as squash bugs, vine borers can still do a lot of damage to your plants if you're not careful. The clearwing moth's larvae look similar to maggots. The larvae of the borers feed by burrowing through the stems of plants. The first sign that a plant has been infested by borers is usually wilting. If you think your plants may have borers, look closely at the base. If you find holes in your plants, it's probably because of vine borers.
An infested plant probably can’t be saved. Cut open the stem, kill the larvae, pull and destroy the affected plants.
Striped Cucumber Beetles
Although Striped cucumber beetles are more likely to attack cucumbers than squash, they still occasionally attack squash plants. When possible, protect your plants with floating row covers.
If you see beetles on your plants, remove them by hand and use a product containing neem oil or pyrethrins.
There are a few diseases that may cause problems for this tough crop.
Powdery Mildew
Powdery mildew is known to infect healthy plants. The most common cause of this problem is either watering your plant too much, or having too much humidity in the air.
IMPORTANT: Your plants will only thrive if the roots are healthy, so make sure the soil they are growing in drains well. Additionally, avoid wetting the leaves as this will encourage disease. You can reduce moisture on the foliage by using a drip irrigation or similar system.
You may see powdery mildew on your foliage as white, powdery spots. Infected leaves should be removed to prevent the spread of the infection.
Bacterial Wilt
Cucumber beetles are typically responsible for spreading bacterial wilt, which is caused by Erwinia tracheiphila. The cucumber beetle is the most common type of beetle, and they love cucumbers. They can also occur in squash.
Wilt, which typically affects just a single plant or a few plants, causes the leaves to turn a dull green or brown.
Cucumber beetles are the most important pests of cucurbits, and they can cause significant crop loss if left uncontrolled. The best way to control cucumber beetles is to use an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that includes both cultural and chemical control methods. The plants that have been infected need to be removed and destroyed. Do not compost them, to avoid further spread.
Spaghetti squash is a vegetable that is easy to grow and can tolerate hot weather. It can be stored for a long time. As long as you plant your success at the right time, give it adequate space, and watch for pests, you will find it.
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