When you are new to vegetable gardening, there are a few things you need to learn. Some vegetables are easy to grow, while others are more difficult. If you start by growing easy vegetables, you will be more successful. After you have had a few successes, you can expand your garden to include some of the more challenging vegetables.
What Grows Well in Your Area
The location of your garden can affect which crops grow best, so make sure to take your garden's needs into account! The climate and types of plants that can be grown in a garden vary depending on the location. Arizona has a hot, dry climate, while Maine has a cold climate, and South Florida has a tropical climate. Different types of plants will do better depending on the specific site conditions, such as the type of soil and climate. You will find what works well in your garden by experimenting.
For example, the size of cabbages may vary depending on the climate. In a cool climate, cabbages may grow to the size of basketballs, while in a hot summer area, they may only grow to be head-high. eventually, everyone will find that some “harder to grow” vegetables do really well for them. If you live in a cooler area, you should focus on planting Spring and Fall varieties of plants. However, you will need to put most of your efforts on the Summer varieties if you live in the south.
This is a list of easy vegetables to get started with. The advice in the following tips will help you get your garden off to a great start.
1. Zucchini
Zucchini is packed with vitamins and minerals. These plants do not require much space and can prosper in containers.
If you want your plants to grow well, you should add a lot of compost to the soil before you plant them.
There are two main things that can slow down the growth of zucchini, powdery mildew and squash bugs. Be sure to check your plants regularly for these after they start setting fruit.
Seeds should be planted in the ground when it is warm enough that there is no danger of frost. Plant them 2′ to 3′ apart. Yes, that’s feet. One plant can get pretty big. Most varieties take 50-60 days until harvest.
Pick the plant's fruit often to encourage new growth, as one plant can produce many fruits. If you wait too long to harvest the fruits, it will stunt the growth of new fruits, and the existing ones will start to get tough.
, Raven, Ronde de Nice Desert, Spineless Supreme, Yellowfin, Black Beauty, Dunja, Fordhook, Noche, Eight Ball, Raven, and Ronde de Nice are all recommended types of zucchini.
2. Kale
Kale can be germinated from seeds or by installing potted sprouts from the nursery. If you plant kale from seed, there are usually more types to choose from, but it takes longer to harvest. If you plant starter plants, the harvest is quicker. To have a continuous supply of kale, plant a few potted kale plants as well as kale seeds every few weeks.
Kale can be successfully grown in raised garden beds and in patio planter boxes that will allow for multiple plants.
The six best kinds of kale to grow in the winter are Winterbor, Darkibor, Lacinato, Blue Ridge, Scarlet, and Dwarf Blue Curled. Red Russian is also a good choice.
Although you can't just plant a vegetable garden and forget about it, these easy to grow crops will help reduce the amount of work you have to do and maximize your yield. As a beginner vegetable gardener, start small. Find a sunny spot with good soil to plant your first garden. Even if you don't have a lot of lawn space, you can still grow most of these vegetables in containers.
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