In this video, I am moving our Subpod Vermicomposting Bin which I purchased from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.
You can watch the original installation video here: • In Ground Vermico…
and my Updated Subpod Review here: • What happened to …
If you are interested in purchasing composting worms or looking at vermicompost bins I highly recommend Uncle Jim's Worm Farm. I've been a customer for years and became an affiliate when I saw what a great job they do with their products. When you click on an affiliate link I may receive a small commission which helps to fund my channel and the work that I do bring this content.
What is Vermicomposting?
Have you ever heard of vermicomposting? If you haven't, it's time to learn about this amazing process! Vermicomposting is a type of composting that uses worms to break down organic matter. This can include things like food scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. The worms eat the organic matter and their waste helps to fertilize the soil. Vermicomposting is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and nourish your plants. You can also get worms from Uncle Jim's. Once you have your worms, simply add them to your container with some organic matter and let them do their work! With a little patience and care, you'll soon have rich, nutrient-filled compost for your gardens.
What is a Subpod
The Subpod Vermicomposting Bin is a system that makes vermicomposting easy and convenient. You can place in a raised garden bed or directly in the ground. It has holes that allow the worms to travel in and out of the bin. With Subpod, you can quickly and easily turn your kitchen scraps into valuable compost.
My YouTube Channel / @michelleinthemeadow
Vego vs Birdies Raised Garden Bed Comparison • Vego vs Birdies R…
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