Sweet potatoes flourish when grown in Growbags, benefiting from the controlled environment and efficient drainage these bags provide. Want to grow sweet potatoes in grow bags too?
You can purchase these from Epic Gardening. https://michelleinthemeadow.com/growbags
Want to grow sweet potatoes in grow bags too?
You can purchase these from Epic Gardening. https://michelleinthemeadow.com/growbags
What is Succession Planting? Succession planting is a gardening technique where different crops are planted in the same space in a sequenced timing, allowing for a continuous harvest throughout the growing season. There are two primary methods of succession planting:
Sequential Planting: This involves planting a new crop in the same space as soon as the previous one is harvested. This can be the same type of crop to ensure a continual harvest or a different crop that is suitable for that part of the season.
Simultaneous Planting: This entails planting crops with varying maturity dates at the same time so that as one is harvested, others continue to grow and mature. The benefits of succession planting include:
Maximizing Production
Extending the Harvest
Efficient Use of Space
Crop Rotation Benefits
Optimized Nutrient Use
To successfully implement succession planting, careful planning is needed, including understanding the growing season's length, the crops' maturity time, and the specific needs of each plant.
To-Do List for Succession Planting Sweet Potatoes:
Prepare the sweet potato vines for rooting:
Before harvesting the prior crop, take cuttings and root them. You'll want to change the water regularly. They'll keep in water for a long time, as long as you regularly change the water, but you only need a few roots to transplant them. This simple step means you can always grow more sweet potatoes if you care for the vines.
Prepare the grow bag or raised garden bed:
Remove previous crops and leftover vines. Prepare the soil for the new crop. I prefer using a limited amount of fertilizer and instead focus on improving the soil web. Sweet potatoes need less nitrogen and more potassium.
Prepare the rooted sweet potato vines for planting:
Gently separate the rooted cuttings. The roots will be tangled if they've been in the water for a while. Cut and remove excess leaves, leaving just one nice leaf on the vine. Before planting, water the bed well.
Time to plant the cuttings:
Wait for a cooler part of the day to plant, ensuring the slips don't suffer from direct sunlight during acclimatization. Wait for a cooler part of the day to plant, ensuring the slips don't suffer from direct sunlight during acclimatization. Place a thick layer of straw or mulch over the bed to retain moisture. Monitor and water regularly. The roots depend on consistent water to grow better.
Implement succession planting strategy:
After planting the bed's first half, wait a month, then plant the second half of the bed. This approach ensures staggered harvesting, where one half can be harvested while the other continues to grow. You could also use smaller, separate grow bags. Look for that in a future video.
Support for Michelle in the Meadow:
If you're interested in any of the products we show on this channel, you can use the links below to find them and make a purchase. These links are affiliate links, which means I'll earn a small commission when you make a purchase. These commissions add up and help support this channel and my family. We are grateful when you take the time to click on the links we provide.
Vego Garden Bed: https://michelleinthemeadow.com/vego
Birdies Garden Bed: https://michelleinthemeadow.com/epic
Bully American-Made Tools: https://amzn.to/3pESuk4
Fiskars Hedge Shears: https://amzn.to/3pESuk4
Gorilla Cart Wagon: https://amzn.to/43gYkpq
About Michelle In The Meadow:
I'm growing on a 1/4 acre suburban lot. I started gardening here 4 years ago and am glad you are here.
We have more than 80 individual fruit trees and shrubs and more than a dozen different kinds of annuals growing on this property. The slopes make for some interesting ways to garden, but we're trying to make the best of it.
On the first Sunday evening of each month (7PM Eastern), I go live on YouTube sharing updates and answering your questions.
If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to follow along on all the happenings in my Northeast Florida Zone 9A Garden. Until next time, my friends, remember to drink plenty of water, wear high-quality sunscreen and have a fantastic day.
For more exciting updates from our Meadow:
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This video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYcqfmcM8C8
Thank you for reading.
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